the first time i fell in love…

it was november 4, 1999…

it was the first YFC Campus Conference at Miriam College…

ate Yeng, our campus president that time, prayed over me…

she prayed that i will do something great for my God…

and after that, i felt praying for my other co-YFCs…

so i prayed over them…

and after doing that, i just realized…

that i want to do this – praying over people, bringing them closer to God, all my life…

that’s when i found out that

i fell in love for the first time…

i fell in love with a man who died in the cross for me…

to saved me from my sins because of His great love for sinners like me…

and since then, i have committed myself…

to love and honor this man all my life…

maybe you know Him…

if you do, can you please tell Him…

that i still hold on to my committment to love and serve Him for all my days…

know what His name?

His name is…



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